Sunday, October 21, 2012

Life without a live is empty...

Mind your future and don't let it slip from your hands.

Those words will be meant for me, yes me. Times have passed by and as we are growing older, we need to take care of some BIG things that we did not thouhgt we will go through but as time goes, so do we. Being older make us realise that we do not have a second to waste. Life's changing and if we cannot keep up to that time, we will soon be faded away by it. 

Thinking of being one-self may be burdensome but we are human so we need to be someone. Being a servant, a student, a child and in the future, a husband will just show that it's just another role that a man needs to go through. In the end, it is we who decide our own future.

As a basis, Islam should be the main factor in each of our own role. Without it, one will not feel that he is a servant to Allah. Without it, a student will not have their motivation as being the best at his study. Without it,  a child will not being able to meet their parents hope to be the key for them to grant Jannah and without it, a husband could not be a guide to his wife also to Jannah.

To live is one thing but living as an Islam is a superb thing and even money can't buy. 

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